About Me

- @Bitethbullet
- ♀ ɔʜɘʀʏʟ ♥
You can never talk someone out of love. They have all these excuses; they find perfection in imperfection, beauty in the ugliness and love in wrath.
Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
No Regrets
Monday, 19 December 2011
It has been a long long time since i last updated my blog! So i guess it's time to revive the blog. Do a little editting to my background of the blog and start trying and remembering to post everyday if possible.
Well, lately i've been taking off a lot of my time doing covers. I did my first mash up too! Did it together with my childhood buddy, Winnie. Spent a lot of time doing just two cover. And since christmas is coming soon, i'm going to flood my facebook page & blog with all my new christmas cover.
Ohmygosh, one year has passed by so fast. And i must say, it has been one hella tough year but I'm always looking for a good year in future (: Last year christmas eve was hell, so i'm going to enjoy myself this year!
Been very close with daddy God lately, talking to Him almost everyday. Sometimes i feel a sense of relief while talking to Him. Not trying to pshyco anyone into believing in my beliefs but i used to be so obsessed with the fact that I must have that someone in my life.
But talking to Him, changes everything. Right now, i just want the person I love to be happy. Even if someone gives up on me, I want to know that i've tried my best and gave everything I could. For once in my life, i wish to live my life with no regrets.
So right now, this is how i'm going to live my life.
P.S./ And i miss Nicholas very much! Worst, i'm sick & i can't go out much anymore. Just when christmas is about to arrive i fall sick. What a killer! :'(
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