Currently rotting in class. Today super uber slack eh. Dave & I like clueless of what to do today so we like worthless pieces of crap now. Ohmygosh, not on form lately eh. No feel for school. I miss my E26N sweeties. Use to entertain ourselves with all sorts of nonsense.
Was reminded of Lorraine's incident of going inside wrong class and laughed like mad yesterday. Need to maintain! *flashback* She went into the wrong class and turned on the light for them. End up, she realised she walked in to the wrong class so she went out. BUT the funny part is she went back in and on the light for them again! Joker.
Then when I was in the lift with JingWen, i remembered how we used to roared when the lift door opens ignorant of who is outside. And how we always press the wrong button. Something about the level four is so lovable that we would always press by accident.
Haha, I miss that sweet class that I used to have. Though it's a different class now, I do hope we bond too. With a class full of entertaining people, it should be fun ba (:
Alrights that's about it! Shall go back to rotting before my facilitator comes back into class. Shall just rot or camwhore even more. Lol, signing off!!!!