About Me

- @Bitethbullet
- ♀ ɔʜɘʀʏʟ ♥
You can never talk someone out of love. They have all these excuses; they find perfection in imperfection, beauty in the ugliness and love in wrath.
Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
Thank you love
Monday, 2 January 2012
In school now, bored as hell and I really just want to go home. After giving it much thoughts, I'm really thinking of leaving Republic Polytechnic for good. Yes the friends are fun, the classes are entertaining at times. But the routine life & the modules are not what I want. I mean, I would rather suffer doing something I want to pursue in.
So giving it much thought, I think I'm going to talk to my cousin and see if talking to my mum about this would be worth it or not. Bottom line, I just really dislike how I am wasting time in Republic Polytechnic. I have no idea how is programming (Java codes) have anything to do with what I'll be doing in future. So I really have no idea why I'm still here. Hoping that my talk with my mum will work out. Wishing that for once they'll understand what I'm going through and maybe help me through it.
Okay, not gonna crap about stupid school stuff for the entire post, I'll probably bore you all to sleep anyway. So yeah, let's talk about something else. Lately, nicky has been a very sweet baby. Been pms-ing really badly and whining like a baby ad my darling boy has been super nice by cheering me up instead of pms-ing on me too! Great change from him since last year.
Yes, I'm pretty confident about fulfilling this year new year resolution of a peaceful & happy relationship with young! Super happy (: BUT I have this feeling that he wouldn't make it to my school in time to fetch me later. So I'll probably be the one going to find him instead. Waiting for his blinking lights on my blackberry to appear so I can make sure he won't be late later!
I actually have a lot of things to post about but apparently after watching a video of aaron tan & steven lim what ever inspiration I have to post like suddenly disappear. I'm a singaporean myself, and I honestly feel super disgrace by people like them. And to think that this idiot, Steven Lim, has appeared on televisions & has the cheek to make music videos. Wow, really.
To think that youtube is also a worldwide thing, so yeah times infinite embarrassment to Singapore. With all the shitty things happening in Singapore, plus all these weirdo. Our reputation would drop like mad. Let's hope Singapore would do something about all of these soon.
I'm dead tired, shall stop ranting, whining or whatever. Napping time!
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